Okay, so I'm really happy that the cap is working in the gulf so far. That is very encouraging because I was starting to be sick with worry about the future of our country and the marine life out there. Phew!
On another note, the oil spill on my face is still going strong...ugh! My sister says that acne comes with the territory in the first trimester...um...I thought week 13 was the 2nd??? Why is my forehead still resembling a golden avocado?!
Honestly speaking, acne, nausea (minus the barfing), and fatigue are my only complaints thus far, so technically I'm doing great, but still! I am tired of rubbing my nose and coming away with a puddle of oil on my fingertips. Ziggy, give mommy a break!
Believe it or not, my scalp is more oily as well. Weird, huh?! I've always leaned on the oily side of the spectrum when it came to hair, but this is something new. Everyone else seems to have more volume and a nice shine to their hair during pregnancy; my hair is more like a cotton ball that has been dipped in betadine solution- not cute. Hopefully I will have a turn to have luscious baby-induced locks. We'll see...
I gotta go, we are getting the house sprayed down with bug repellant and hubby doesn't want Ziggy and me to sniff too much. Perhaps a pedi while I wait?!
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