Welcome to Barberville

My blog about the beauty of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Pounder

Sooo...Ziggy weighs one pound now and just when my little munchkin gets into the 'pound' club mommy gets sick. I have had a drug free pregnancy so far- not even a tylenol, and I was hoping to go the whole way without any meds. However, on Sunday night Death came knocking on my door. It was horrible! I coughed so hard I hurt my back and had to sleep upright all night. Weldon said I better call the doctor before it gets worse so I did and he put me on some meds. Last night was the first night and boy did Ziggy tweak out! I saw and felt little lumps across my belly the whole night. Of course I'm scared that Ziggy was having Woodstock in my belly. Hopefully it is pure coincidence and I won't give birth to a mucinex crack baby.

Anyhoo, I'm still very comfortable. Although I'm not supposed to, I sleep on my back. It's the only way I can really get good sleep. Sometimes I start out with my right leg propped up like the doctor says I should do, but I always wake up on my back. I haven't had any more nerve attacks so I feel very fortunate. My only complaint is that my belly and lady lumps are itchy. I mean REALLY itchy. I got some palmer's lotion and it helped a little bit, perhaps I'll try using a little more. I'm still able to run, I mean jog, which still feels nice. I feel like a spaz when I don't get in my exercise (I'm totally into fitness for the endorphins). If I have to stop running I'll try walking uphill. Yoga is still okay, although I do it sporadically...I should probably do better.

I was worried about my appetite because it hasn't changed at all. I don't have any cravings so it makes it harder for me to eat a lot to support Ziggy. The doctor says that is okay and I have still gained 15 pounds, which is good. I must say that my hunger is getting more pronounced as of late so there could be a change on the prowl.

All in all, I probably have the world's most uneventful pregnancy. My mom told me this would happen. She said she should have had 10 children because her pregnancies were a breeze- I guess I inherited her way. I'm not complainining one bit though- thank the lawd!!!

Here are a couple of pics of my little Ziggy-pooh. Place your bets on gender...


Monday, September 13, 2010

P or No?

Um...sooooo...since I've been pregnant I've noticed a strange behavior in myself: perversion. It's so out of character. Normally I am the girl who makes subliminal comments for a good laugh but I'm not too outward about 'extracurricular activities'. That is, until Ziggy. I noticed this new found perversion recently when I was reading a celebrity gossip blog. To the left of the news story there was a link to click on 'celebrities caught on tape'. In the past, I wouldn't have clicked. It's just not my thing. But-uh, on this particular day I clicked....and peeked...and giggled...and clicked more...and scrolled down...and gasped...and clicked more. Twenty minutes later I realized that I was officially being a cyber 'dirty old man' so I stopped myself. I couldn't believe I had done that!!! Weldon was in the other room...how icky is that?!!!

I later told a friend of my findings on the gossip site. At first I saw nothing wrong with what I was sharing, then I noticed she looked at me weird. Uh oh...'celebrities caught on tape' was really just good old fashion porn pics. Gross!!! Who does that?? I've NEVER done that. I started thinking that something must've switched. It didn't take me long to realize that I have been looking at pictures of girlie parts for 5 months now on pregnancy blogs. My femininity has now switched roles and so things are not as taboo for me anymore. My body is now a vehicle with which I will nurture my baby. 'Lady lumps' are now baby bottles, for Pete's sake! I've got to get a hold of this dirty old man thing fast. I'm hoping I will switch back to my old self sooner than later.

On another note, Ziggy is now the length of a banana (that's kind of ironic, heh heh). My little banana actually kicks me all the time now. It's my favorite thing, too. Tonight was the first time I saw a kick from the outside. It is the most fascinating thing ever!!! I stared at my belly for the longest time watching Ziggy...what exactly was Ziggy doing??? Dancing? Stretching? I wonder what they're doing in there. At any rate, I'm still feeling great and hoping to continue on this blessed streak until the end of January.

Until next time...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Five Alive

Wow, it's been a while. I bet you can guess what the hold up has been: school started. I'm back in the working world. After two weeks, my body finally readjusted to getting up in the morning, projecting my voice, and standing on my feet for extended periods of time. At first, it was culture shock. When the alarm went off on the first day, I was scared there was a fire. In the car on the way to work, I kept wondering why there were so many other people on the road. It's funny what one can forget over the summer. At any rate, I'm happy to be back working. The summer was quite rejuvenating. Also, the anticipation of Ziggy made it a summer I will never forget: the last summer I'll spend as a non-mommy. GASP!!!

I get butterflies thinking about it. The other day I imagined how I will react when my water breaks. What will happen in the delivery room? Then it hit me: I will have a baby. One that I will keep forever...and ever. It will be my very own. What will become of life? Who will I be as a mother? Wellie and me??? Will there still be such a thing? The day before school started I wept in my husband's arms. I wasn't sad about the start of school, rather, sentimental at the truth of this past summer. I realized that it was the last summer that Weldon and I spent together, just the two of us. As I cried I told him that I am looking forward to being a parent and I'd see him in about 20 years. We will be old and gray the next time it is just us. Boy oh boy, how bittersweet is that?!

As a person who is totally into my marriage, I was always leary of having children. Weldon and I are so happy and we truly enjoy each other. Children were never a must-have for us; they were only ever a bonus. We always said that if God wants us to be parents, he will plant the seed in our heads, we never laid out a life plan for when we would start a family. We've been a family since the day we got married. Now, we are finally growing and it is so alarming at times. What a change!! I'm excited to team up with him to raise these kiddos. BUT (the infamous but), I am protective of my marriage. I don't want to lose what we have. Only a mother can explain the balance to me, maybe not even then. Perhaps when Ziggy comes it will all lay into place and make perfect sense. Until then, the anticipation is quite the emotional roller coaster.

Speaking of Ziggy. We are now 20 weeks along...aka...5 months! This is the first time in my life I can say that time is both flying by and standing still. I can't believe I am sitting here as my baby dances in my belly. It seemed like only yesterday I was sitting at the doctor's office praying that there would be a heartbeat in the UltraSound. Now here I am, with living proof every day that Ziggy is alive and well...and quite the character.

We have already had a standoff in the bed. My little eggplant didn't want me to lay on a certain side. Both of us stubbornly awaited the other to move. After 20 minutes I realized something: this baby is most likely an attitudinal little girl. That's right, I lost the battle. There was a part of me, however, that loooovvveeed the self-advocacy coming from my womb. I winked at my unborn child as I shifted in humble submission. Like I said before: I don't care about 'Alissa' anymore.

Since we last touched base I have also become a yogi. I'm truly enjoying it and I must say the breathing techniques are helpful, especially with school being in session. So far I get good sleep at night, about 7 hours' worth. I'm hoping I can somehow create a bank of energy that will carry over to January when Ziggy comes to tire me out. We'll see how that goes.

Other than the usual wonders of pregnancy not much else has been going on. I have been spending time with friends and family. Ziggy has been to a birthday party, a going away party, in which she was walked on by her cousin, seen various movies, and even been to a Dallas Cowboys football game at the new souped up psychadelic stadium. What a social life this little eggplant has! I can't wait to experience more Adventures of Ziggy as time goes by. Of course, I will keep you posted every step of the way.

Until next time...
