Welcome to Barberville

My blog about the beauty of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Pounder

Sooo...Ziggy weighs one pound now and just when my little munchkin gets into the 'pound' club mommy gets sick. I have had a drug free pregnancy so far- not even a tylenol, and I was hoping to go the whole way without any meds. However, on Sunday night Death came knocking on my door. It was horrible! I coughed so hard I hurt my back and had to sleep upright all night. Weldon said I better call the doctor before it gets worse so I did and he put me on some meds. Last night was the first night and boy did Ziggy tweak out! I saw and felt little lumps across my belly the whole night. Of course I'm scared that Ziggy was having Woodstock in my belly. Hopefully it is pure coincidence and I won't give birth to a mucinex crack baby.

Anyhoo, I'm still very comfortable. Although I'm not supposed to, I sleep on my back. It's the only way I can really get good sleep. Sometimes I start out with my right leg propped up like the doctor says I should do, but I always wake up on my back. I haven't had any more nerve attacks so I feel very fortunate. My only complaint is that my belly and lady lumps are itchy. I mean REALLY itchy. I got some palmer's lotion and it helped a little bit, perhaps I'll try using a little more. I'm still able to run, I mean jog, which still feels nice. I feel like a spaz when I don't get in my exercise (I'm totally into fitness for the endorphins). If I have to stop running I'll try walking uphill. Yoga is still okay, although I do it sporadically...I should probably do better.

I was worried about my appetite because it hasn't changed at all. I don't have any cravings so it makes it harder for me to eat a lot to support Ziggy. The doctor says that is okay and I have still gained 15 pounds, which is good. I must say that my hunger is getting more pronounced as of late so there could be a change on the prowl.

All in all, I probably have the world's most uneventful pregnancy. My mom told me this would happen. She said she should have had 10 children because her pregnancies were a breeze- I guess I inherited her way. I'm not complainining one bit though- thank the lawd!!!

Here are a couple of pics of my little Ziggy-pooh. Place your bets on gender...


1 comment:

  1. Later in my pregnancy I bought a pregnancy wedge: http://shopboppy.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=17 and it helped. At times I slept on my back too but it's best to sleep on your side, particularly your left side as you get further along in your pregnancy.

    Keep praying for a good pregnancy and Labor & Delivery. I too had it easy during pregnancy until the Thursday evening before my Saturday delivery. Things can pop up at anytime, it's scary.

    I found that the squats (3x/week for one hour) and stretching I did while pregnant really helped me when pushing. Oh and swimming felt good the bigger I got.

    Ziggy is a cutie! :)
