Ziggy is officially full term today! Yep, that's right, 36 weeks! Woo hoo! Technically, my munchkin pie can come out anytime now and be A-okay. Of course, the little lungs can always use as much time as possible, so there's still no rush. I'm still pretty stoked, though.
As far as I'm concerned, I FEEL 9 months pregnant. Let-me-tell-you. In just one week I have undergone a DRASTIC metamorphosis. I have been growing about every 5 days now and I feel every inch of it. When Ziggy grows I can feel the stretching and it's pretty uncomfortable. My biggest area of complaint, however is my energy level. About twice or three times a day I get an overwhelming feeling of being weighed down. It feels like an anvil is sitting on my entire upper body and it is really hard to function. The best way to describe it is breathlessness, with a twist of every other vital organ being pressed down as well. Not fun. I was telling Weldon that it may be when my body feeds Ziggy...? Not sure what it is because it lasts for a while and then goes away. I'm going through a good spurt right now, it's been about 2 hours. It's times like these that I am so grateful for. I'm so happy I don't feel that anvil feeling all day long. It's enough to make me want to cry.
Yesterday I pushed myself and went to Babies R Us to get the 'going home' outfit. It felt good to be up and walking after the car ride. When I am in the car driving I get uncomfortable after about 10 minutes because of the angle I'm sitting in. Also, my right leg really likes to be upright and I can't do that when I'm the one driving. Needless to say, by the time I arrived at the store I was so relieved to be out of that car! I got Zig the cutest little white outfit; I did settle though, because they didn't have my first choice in the right size. Sure enough, when I got home, daddy wasn't as happy with it either. We are going to go to a different store in hopes of finding first choice. Then I will post pics of the new outfit.
Last night friends came over after dinner. I cooked and then cleaned up and laid out a few things for them. By the end of the night my legs were in sheer agony. It felt like I swam 5 miles. I had to elevate them really, really high in order to calm them down. I laid with my legs up on my headboard last night. It felt good and I was able to sleep. At this point, any sleep I get is a blessing, no matter how coo-coo I may look on the outside.
I got out a calendar to map out my January. There's not a lot of time left before Zig comes out. I have a couple of days off that won't count against maternity leave and I am trying to calculate the best way to shuffle them around. I decided not to work more than two days in a row, which means I will take every Wednesday off until the baby comes. That should help things out. I've already decided that dinner is now going to be a one pot sensation from here on out. No more chopping and sauteeing and stirring- I paid dearly for that yesterday.
Ziggy is soooo active. I love my little boopie. The personality of this baby is very chipper and upbeat. Ziggy loves to play, play, play! S/he is very responsive to drastic things in the outside world. The other day I woke him or her up with a loud guffaw. Weldon and I loved it because it was proof that there is a third person in the room with us at all times. Sigh...
My cat has kind of backed away a little bit. He doesn't like me to hold him as much as he used to. I think the bump has gotten to him. My friend Jessica said that since he is a mammal himself he totally gets what's happening. She may be right. He has a slight interest in Ziggy's things but we let him snoop around to his liking so he gets used to them. He has been redirected from the crib only once. The bassinet is no longer of interest to him. The biggest issue is the rocking chair. It is a papasan rocker so it's a perfect cat-cubby. Sorry, Alex, not for you!
Okay, I'm feeling a little too good right now. I have rambled on for far too long. I've got to relieve you of this now. I think I will go have a glass of water and relish in this moment of comfort- who knows how long I have.
Until next time...